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The Association of New Brunswick Land Surveyors

Surveying Career - Professional Surveyor Technician or Technologist in Canada Canadian Council of Land Surveyors

Our goal is to make it easier for our members and the public to be kept informed of who we are, what we do, and some current events. Association Members have their own section, which contains committee reports, council meeting, and association notices.

The ANBLS / AA-GN-B has approximately 90 members, of whom 50 are full members who have been qualified to and have the right to practice Land Surveying in New Brunswick. The other members are either Life, Honorary, Affiliate, Retired, Associate, or Surveyor-in-Training members of the Association. A list of our members is in the Roll of Members section of this site.

The Association of New Brunswick Land Surveyors has the mandate of regulating and governing the profession of Land Surveying in NB.

The Association was formed in 1954 through an Act of the provincial legislature, which was amended in 1986. (An Act to Incorporate the Association of New Brunswick Land Surveyors)

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Last Modified: 02/10/2025
ANBLS 72th Annual Report 2024

© 2010 The Association of New Brunswick Land Surveyors